Report an Issue

Animal Control

The public may contact the Frontenac Municipal Law Enforcement Inc directly at (613) 541-3213 if there questions/complaint/concern involves animals running at large per the Township’s Animal Control By-law.

View our Animal Control By-law and Fees and Charges By-law for more information on the Township's Civic Web Portal where all Township By-laws are e-published.



The Township of North Frontenac does not have a By-law to govern cats. North Frontenac residents can take cats to the Kingston Humane Society.

1 Binnington Ct.
Kingston Ontario
K7M 8M9

(613) 546-1291


The public may contact the Frontenac Municipal Law Enforcement Inc directly at (613) 541-3213 if there questions/complaint/concern involves dogs such as running at large, barking dogs and/or Dog Owners Liability Act (DOLA) issues (except dog tags).  

Noise Complaints

The public may contact the Frontenac Municipal Law Enforcement Inc directly at (613) 541-3213 if there questions/complaint/concern involves noise per the Township’s Noise By-law.

View our Noise By-law for more information on the Township's Civic Web Portal where all Township By-laws are e-published.

If this complaint involves Alcohol, Drugs, Violence, etc. please contact the Ontario Provincial Police via 9-1-1 (for emergency situations) or 1-888-310-1122 (for non-emergencies).

Report an Enquiry

Definition of an Enquiry

An enquiry is defined as a general or specific request for information regarding a Township of North Frontenac program, service or facility.

Submit an enquiry.

Report a Confidential Complaint

Definition of a Confidential Complaint

Complaints are defined as any expression of dissatisfaction or notice in relation to the Township of North Frontenac's Municipal business.

Only written complaints will initiate an action and can be received at the Municipal Office at 6648 Road 506, Plevna, Ontario; by fax @ (613) 479-2352; or by email to the CAO at by completing the applicable form.

To lodge a complaint, the complainant is to provide their name and contact information, as the CAO cannot act on ‘hearsay'. Also to allow the CAO to follow up individuals (complainant shall provide their written complaint and complete contact information ( and phone number or email address); and if the complaint is related to the property within the municipality, the civic address (or complete directions to the property in question if there is no civic address posted).

Submit a Confidential Complaint.

Download our Confidential Complaint Handling Policy

Residential Tenancies Act Complaint

The Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) came into effect on January 31, 2007.   The RTA sets the rules for most residential rental housing in Ontario. 

Ontario Regulation 517/06 outlines the Maintenance Standards.

The Landlord and Tenant Board’s role is to provide information about the RTA and to resolve disputes between most residential landlords and tenants. The mission of the Landlord and Tenant Board is to inform landlords and tenants about their rights and responsibilities under the Residential Tenancies Act and provide balanced and timely dispute resolution in accordance with the law.

Only written complaints submitted using the Tenant Complaint about Maintenance Form will be processed by the Municipality and can be received at the Municipal Office at 6648 Road 506, Plevna, Ontario; by fax @ (613) 479-2352; or by email to the CAO at  

Filing a Complaint with the Integrity Commissioner

Any individual who identifies or witnesses behavior or activity by a sitting Member of Council or Local Board that they believe is in contravention of the Code of Conduct or the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act may file a complaint using the following forms:

Code of Conduct – Formal Complaint Form

Municipal Conflict of Interest – Formal Complaint Form

For further information regarding the Code of Conduct view our Code of Conduct of Members of Council and Committees By-law for more information on the Township's Civic Web Portal where all Township By-laws are e-published.

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