One of the most important responsibilities the Township has is land use planning. It gives residents an opportunity to decide how they would like to see their community develop and to introduce regulations to help shape the development of the community.
There are several tools available to support and promote good land use planning:
- The Township’s Official Plan
- Zoning By-law #55-19
- Subdivision Control
In Ontario, the provisions of the Planning Act apply to the use of these tools. The challenge is striking a reasonable balance between the interests of individual property owners and the interests of a community.
The Township’s planning department ensures the planning process incorporates public and stakeholder involvement and balances the needs of numerous parties through the land development process, with the goal of making North Frontenac a safe, environmentally friendly and well built community.
The North Frontenac Planning Department is responsible for the review, development and implementation of land use policies and by-laws including the Township’s Official Plan under the authority of the Planning Act. They review and process development related applications such as Zoning By-law Amendments, consents, minor variances, site plan agreements and deeming by-laws.
View our Zoning By-law and the Fees and Charges By-law for more information on the Township's Civic Web Portal where all Township By-laws are e-published.
If you have a planning inquiry please submit a Planning Inquiry Form. This will streamline the process for moving any development proposals forward.
Zoning Compliance
To ensure the Building and Planning Department are providing the most efficient customer service to the public, the following process has been implemented to ensure the required planning approvals are in place before submitting an Application for a Building Permit.
Planning staff are the first contact for inquiries to ensure that projects can be reviewed for compliance with various planning documents prior to the submission of a “complete" building permit application. The purpose is to ensure that customer service is improved for contractors and residents in the Township, by providing them with guidance regarding the items they need to provide to meet the Township's Zoning By-law, and any other planning related regulations and policies before commencing the building permit process.
The preliminary Zoning review will confirm that the proposed construction meets the regulations of the Township's Zoning By-law; identify concerns with the proposed work; or whether additional approvals are required from other departments or agencies.
Zoning Compliance Certificate Application |
- Click 'Zoning Clearance Certificate' to obtain the Application.
- Submit your Zoning Clearance Application to the Planning Department by:
- E-mail to Brooke Drechsler, Deputy Clerk/Assistant to the Planning Manager, at;
- Bring the form to the Municipal Office (to be reviewed within 3 business days); or
- By Mail to Municipal Office at: 6648 Road 506, Plevna ON K0H 2M0
- Use the Submit Application Electronically button below.
- Applications must include all required information and the required non-refundable fee of $80.00 which can be paid in person (cash, cheque or debit); sent by mail (cheque); or by e-transfer to: please note 'Zoning Clearance Certificate - Your Name - Civic Address' in the subject line.
3. Planning staff will review the submission for compliance with the Zoning By-law and inform you of any requirements for approvals from applicable agencies (i.e. Conservation Authorities) or potential studies that may be required.
4. Once the Zoning Clearance certificate is completed, a permit application can be submitted through the Cloudpermit workspace. A copy of the Zoning Clearance Certificate must be provided with your Building Permit application.
Planning Applications & Fees
ApplicationsPlanning Applications are listed below and are subject to change. Please contact the Clerk's Department prior to Application submission.
Minor Variance
Application for Consent (Severance)
Site Plan Control
Official Plan Amendment/Zoning By-law Amendment
Planning FeesFees are subject to change.
Committee of Adjustment Meetings
Committees Establishment, Role and Powers
The Township of North Frontenac established a Committee of Adjustment to consider applications for consents and minor variances. All Committee meetings are open to the public.
The Committee has general and special powers, including:
- granting Minor variance to provide relief from the Township’s Zoning By-law
- granting permission to expand or enlarge legal non-conforming uses
- Approving consents for land severances, lot additions, validation of title, and creation of Easements/Rights-of-Way
Committee meetings are generally held monthly on the third Monday of each month in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Office beginning at 1:00 p.m. Agendas and Minutes of Committee meetings can be viewed on the Township’s Website. Members of the public are encouraged to attend meetings in person or electronically through Zoom.
Consultation Meetings
Pre-Application Consultation
The Township recently adopted a Pre Application Consultation By-law and Consultation Fee with respect to planning applications. These By-laws can found under Frequently Requested By-laws.
The first step in the planning application process is to submit the following for review by Township Planning Staff and the contract Land Use Planner:
- a site plan of the property showing the location and setbacks of all structures; existing/proposed septic systems; existing wells; driveways, Right-of-Ways and easements; and any additional constraints (i.e. hydro lines)
- a site plan of the proposed development
- a written description of the proposed development
Planning staff will review the information prior to a pre application consultation. As per the Pre Application By-law, a non-refundable fee of $100 must be provided prior to scheduling the pre application meeting. The fee can be provided by e-transfer; or by cash, debit, certified cheque or money order (if attending the office for the meeting).
Current Planning Applications Being Considered
The Committee of Adjustment/Planning Advisory Committee is an independent body appointed by Council under the Planning Act. The Committee is authorized to consider applications for:
- Minor Variances from the Zoning By-law;
- Severances – creation of new lots, right-of-way, lot addition (consents)
The Committee meets once a month on Mondays at 1:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex unless otherwise noted on the Notice of Application/Hearing.
2023 |
Minor Variance - Planning Applications Being Considered |
Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications Being Considered by Township Council |
The decision to approve, deny or defer an Official Plan Amendment and/or Zoning By-law Amendment Application is made by the Council of North Frontenac at a Public Meeting.
Official Plan |
Zoning By-law Amendment |
2024 |
Minor Variance - Planning Applications Being Considered |
File# | Applicant(s) Name | Date of Meeting & Agenda Link | Notice of Hearing | Notice of Decision | Zoom Meeting Registration |
A01/24 |
Gaylord Family Properties
May 27, 2024 - Deferred |
Notice of Hearing |
Notice of Decision |
Zoom Meeting Registration |
A09/24 |
Jim and Laurie Miller
August 26, 2024 |
Notice of Hearing |
Notice of Decision |
Zoom Meeting Registration |
A03/24 |
Mary Rothfels
June 24, 2024 |
Notice of Hearing |
Notice of Decision |
Zoom Meeting Registration |
A04/24 |
Ben Thompson and Greg Thompson
June 24, 2024 -
Notice of Hearing |
Notice of Decision |
Zoom Meeting Registration |
A05/24 |
Bill Campbell
June 24, 2024 |
Notice of Hearing |
Notice of Decision |
Zoom Meeting Registration |
A06/24 |
Robert and Elizabeth Laliberte
June 24, 2024 |
Notice of Hearing |
Notice of Decision |
Zoom Meeting Registration |
A07/24 |
Giles Leo
July 22, 2024 |
Notice of Hearing |
Notice of Decision |
Zoom Meeting Registration |
A08/24 |
Michele Hayhurst
August 26, 2024 |
Notice of Hearing |
Notice of Decision |
Zoom Meeting Registration |
A09/24 |
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
(Land Use Permit Holder: Laurie Millar)
August 26, 2024 |
Notice of Hearing |
Notice of Decision |
Zoom Meeting Registration |
A10/24 |
Dexter Rubio, Darnell Rubio and
Dominador Rubio
September 23, 2024 - Deferred |
Notice of Hearing |
Notice of Decision |
Zoom Meeting Registration |
A11/24 |
Brett and Barbara Noye
September 23, 2024 |
Notice of Hearing |
Notice of Decision |
Zoom Meeting Registration |
Severance - Planning Applications Being Considered |
Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications Being Considered by Township Council
The decision to approve, deny or defer an Official Plan Amendment and/or Zoning By-law Amendment Application is made by the Council of North Frontenac at a Public Meeting.
Official Plan |
File# | Applicant(s) Name | Notice of Hearing | Agenda | Notice of Decision and By-law | Zoom Registration |
Notice of Hearing |
Notice of Decision and By-law
Zoom Meeting Registration |
Zoning By-law Amendment |
Planning Documents
Official Plan |
The Official Plan is the document in which the Township of North Frontenac sets out its land use planning goals and policies that guide physical development and redevelopment, protection of natural and cultural heritage, resource management, and necessary supporting infrastructure. The Planning Act requires that municipalities in Ontario adopt an Official Plan that is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, as amended.
View - North Frontenac Official Plan
View - North Frontenac Official Plan Map
View - County of Frontenac Official Plan
Zoning By-law |
Section 34 of the Planning Act gives the Township the authority to implement land use controls through Zoning By-Laws. A Zoning By-Law is used to implement the policies in the Official Plan. As a legal By-law document that is adopted by Council, a Zoning By-Law divides lands in the Township into specific areas or “zones” that are shown in the maps below.
The zoning of a specific property can be found on Frontenac Maps by locating the property by using the 'Search' field and using the legend to the left and clicking on the 'Zoning Layer'.
View our Zoning By-law for more information, or visit the Township's Civic Web Portal where all Township By-laws are e-published.
Lake Plans |