Committee of Adjustment/ Planning Advisory Committee
About |
The approval authority for Minor Variances, Requests for Permission and Consent Applications along with review/recommendations to Council on other planning maters when requested.
Established: 1998
View our Procedural Policy for Committee of Adjustment on the Township's Civic Web Portal.
Members |
Councillor Roy Huetl (Liaison)
Carl Tooley (Chair) Garry Woods
Jim Oglivie
Brent Smith (Alternate)
Tara Mieske, Clerk/Planning Manager (Secretary/Treasurer)
Agendas and Minutes |
View the Committee of Adjustment/Planning Advisory Committee agendas and minutes.
Joint Kaladar/Barrie Fire Committee
About |
To oversee the Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department.
Established: 1998
Members |
The Township of North Frontenac
Councillor Wayne Good
Councillor Vernon Hermer
Councillor Roy Huetl
Councillor Fowler (Alternate)
The Township of Addington Highlands
Reeve Henry Hogg
Councillor Ken Hook (Chair) Councillor Kirby Thompson
Councillor E. Helen Yanch (Alternate)
Agendas and Minutes |
View the Joint Kaladar/ Barrie Fire Committee agendas and minutes. |
Personnel and Audit Committee |
About |
- Assisting Council in fulfilling its responsibilities with respect to the Human Resources required to achieve the Township’s objectives;
- Review policies pertaining to staffing, compensation, benefits, and organizational structure and provide recommendations to Council.
- Assist with the recruitment of Managers and provide direction with respect to the appointment, performance evaluation and compensation of the CAO.
Assist, advise and make recommendations to North Frontenac Council regarding the governance, accountability and controllership responsibilities by ensuring financial risks are being appropriately addressed through strong governance, appropriate stewardship and an effective audit activity.
The review of reports including budget versus actual, project update and explanations for significant over budget line items.
Established: 1998
Members |
Councillor Inglis (Chair) Councillor Hermer Councillor Fowler |
Agenda and Minutes |
View the Personnel and Audit Committee agendas and minutes. |
Economic Development Task Force (EDTF)
About |
To provide recommendations to, and carryout initiatives as directed by North Frontenac Council regarding economic and community development opportunities.
Established: 2012
Members |
Councillor Stephanie Regent (Chair)
Councillor Roy Huetl
Councillor John Inglis
Cyndy Bonello
Danielle Kesco
Paul Thiel
Daniel Vaillancourt
Brandon Hartwig
Tammy Watson
Brooke Ross, Manager of Community Development
Lori Newman, Recording Secretary
Agendas and Minutes |
View the Economic Development Task Force agendas and minutes. |