Outdoor Safety

Wildlife Concerns

 Bear Safety
Who to Contact


Call 911 or your local police, if you feel a bear poses an immediate threat to personal safety and:

  • enters a school yard when school is in session
  • enters or tries to enter a residence
  • wanders into a public gathering
  • kills livestock/pets and lingers at the site
  • stalks people and lingers at the site

Generally, bears want to avoid humans. Most encounters are not aggressive and attacks are rare.


Call the Bear Wise reporting line at 1-866-514-2327 (*between April 1-November 30) if a bear is:

  • roaming around, checking garbage cans
  • breaking into a shed where garbage or food is stored
  • in a tree
  • pulling down a bird feeder or knocking over a barbecue
  • moving through a backyard or field but is not lingering

From Dec 1-March 31, please contact your local MNRF District office.

Information Fact Sheets

Download OPP Bear Encounter – Who Do I call fact sheet.

Download Be Bear Wise Cottage Fact Sheet

Download the Keep Bears out of Your Neighbourhood fact sheet.

Download Be Bear Wise Camping fact sheet.

Download the Bear County safety fact sheet.

Download the Be Bear Wise –Enjoying the outdoors fact sheet.

Fish Lead Free

Drop Off Locations:

Municipal Office

Helen Lane Boat Launch

Plevna Waste Disposal Site

Crotch Lake Access Road Boat Launch

& more - visit BGLEECA.ca for more info


"Let's Get The Lead Out" program is a initiative designed to reduce toxic lead fishing tackle from accumulating in the environment where it is responsible for the deaths of millions of birds and other wildlife annually. Loons, eagles, swans and waterfowl are especially vulnerable. Lead is very harmful to all living things, including people and it threatens our water quality.

 Forest Caterpillars

Outbreaks of forest tent caterpillars occur in Ontario approximately every 10 to 12 years and last anywhere from three to six years in a given location. The last forest tent caterpillar outbreak peaked in 2016/2017.

View a map of areas of deforestation.

Forest Tent Caterpillar

View the forest tent caterpillar fact sheet.

 Other Wildlife Concerns

Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease (EHD)

Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease (EHD) is an infectious and often fatal virus in white-tailed deer that was first detected in Ontario in September 2017.

View MNR Epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD) fact sheet.


Ticks are known to carry Lyme Disease, and they are present in Southern Ontario. Visit the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care for more information on ticks and lime disease.

White Nose Syndrome

White Nose Syndrome is a virus affecting a large number of bats in Ontario. It appears as a white fungus around the noses of bats. Read more info from the Ministry of Natural Resources.

Emerald Ash Borer

The Emerald Ash Borer is a highly destructive insect that attacks and kills ash trees. Visit the Canadian Food Inspection Agency for more information.

In The Water

 Bubbler Systems

Regulation of Bubbler Systems in Lakes

Council has received inquiries from residents about the regulation of bubbler systems placed in local lakes around docks and boathouses to keep the ice from forming and causing damage; the Township cannot regulate bubbler systems; however there are provisions under the Federal Code Section 263(1) with respect to safeguarding openings in the ice.

The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) has the authority to lay charges under the Criminal Code of Canada where section 263(1) is found. 

Section 263 (1): Everyone who makes or causes to be made an opening in ice that is open to or frequented by the public is under a legal duty to guard it in a manner that is adequate to prevent persons from falling in by accident and is adequate to warn them that the opening exists. Should we receive a complaint we will investigate.

 Blue Green Algae
 Blue Green Algae Fact Sheet


Invasive Species

For more information visit invasive species in Ontario. 


 Gypsy Moth
If you have inquiries regarding Gypsy Moths please contact the Invading Species Hotline: 1-800-563-7711 or info@invadingspecies.com or http://www.invadingspecies.com/   

Based on Council Resolutions #183-20 and #225-20 (amending #183-20) Council does not permit spraying of Gypsy Moth on Township property.

If you have inquiries about illegal or improper use of pesticides, please contact the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks at 1-866-663-8477 (24 hours Public Reporting Hotline).

 Local Firewood
Transporting firewood may seem harmless but can lead to the spread of pests such as insects, plants and diseases. A mass infestation of an invasive species can limit your ability to enjoy the environment around you and negatively affect the property value of your home.

Refrain from moving any firewood to prevent the spread of pests. Moving untreated firewood, to or from a campground or cottage, can spread invasive species and diseases.

Buy Local. Burn Local.

Be aware of movement restrictions

Moving firewood from places where regulated pests have been found can be a violation of the Plan Protection Act, with penalties of up to $50,000 and/or prosecution. Be award of movement restrictions that may be in place before you move wood or wood products.

For more information about these restrictions, contact your local Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) Office.

 Rinsing of Watercraft 
 As of January 1st, 2022, under Ontario Regulation 354/16 it is now mandatory to clean and drain watercraft (e.g. a boat) and watercraft equipment when transporting them overland in Ontario.

Noxious Weeds


Wild Parsnip

Wild Parsnip

Wild parsnip is an invasive plant native to Europe and Asia. It was likely brought to North America by European settlers, who grew it for its edible root. Since its introduction, wild parsnip has escaped from cultivated gardens and spread across the continent. Download the Wild Parsnip Fact Sheet for more information


Giant Hogweed


GianGiant Hogweedt hogweed, also known as Giant cow parsnip is a perennial plant and a member of the carrot family. It is a garden ornamental from southwest Asia that is naturalizing in North America and becoming more common in southern and central Ontario. Giant hogweed has the potential to spread readily and grows along roadsides, ditches and streams. It invades old fields and native habitats such as open woodlands. Download the Giant Hogweed Fact Sheet for more information.

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