Community Grants

North Frontenac's Community Grants Policy assists in the development and operation of not-for-profit community organizations who provide programs, services or events that promote and/or enhance the overall wellbeing of the community.

By-Law #2024-03 - Community Grants

Schedule 'B' - Application Form

Schedule 'C' - Final Report Form

Funding Recipients

Six grants for a combined total of $5,987.39

The North Frontenac Amateur Astronomy Club

Amount: $1,000

Purpose(s): The placement of an observatory building to house a second 16" telescope and to purchase quality eyepieces for both telescopes.

Lions Club of Land O'Lakes

Amount: $1,000

Purpose(s): The 2023 Santa Claus Parade, Santa's Workshop and Holly Shoppe.

Clarendon Central Public School Parent Council

Amount: $1,000

Purpose(s): Student excursion transportation.

The North Frontenac Historical Society and Archives (NHFSA)

Amount: $1,000

Purpose(s): The purchase of a screen slide and negative converter/adapter and three (3) historical cemetery signs with church, cemetery and unmarked grave information at Dempsey, Ompah and Plevna/Ardoch cemeteries. 

North Frontenac Back Roads Studio Tour

Amount: $1,000

Purpose(s): Advertising, signage and promotional materials for the 2023 Back Roads Studio Tour.

North Frontenac Fitness Group

Amount: $987.39

Purpose(s): The purchase of exercise equipment.


Four grants for a combined total of $4,000.

Land O'Lakes Garden Club

Amount: $1,000

Purpose(s): The creation of an Indigenous Commemorative and Healing Garden at the Barrie Hall in remembrance to the children lost to and survivors of Residential Schools.

Lions Club of Land O'Lakes

Amount: $1,000

Purpose(s): A marching band and new reindeer display for the 2022 Santa Claus Parade.

North Frontenac Back Roads Studio Tour

Amount: $1,000

Purpose(s): Advertising, signage and promotional materials for the 2022 Back Roads Studio Tour.

The North Frontenac Historical Society and Archives (NFHSA)

Amount: $1,000

Purpose(s): The framing of a silk banner artifact signifying the Historical Military Uniforms of Canada and three (3) historical cemetery signs with church, cemetery and unmarked grave information at St. Johns Anglican, Harlowe United and St. Marks Anglican cemeteries.


Four grants for a combined total of $3,961.24.

Clarendon Central Public School Parent Council

Amount: $961.24

Purpose(s): Materials to construct two 12-foot long picnic tables for classroom-type studies outside (due to Covid-19, staff and students worked outside as much as possible) and one steel frame bench.

North Frontenac Back Roads Studio Tour

Amount: $1,000

Purpose(s): Advertising, signage and promotional materials for the 2021 Back Roads Studio Tour.

The Cloyne and District Historical Society (CDHS)

Amount: $1,000

Purpose(s): Website upgrades.

The North Frontenac Historical Society and Archives

Amount: $1,000

Purpose(s): World War 1 mural for framing; the purchase of signs; graphic art design for signs; posts for signage; website management; and a lands and forest research project.  

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