4 Season Scenic Route
This Story Map showcases the Road 506/509 route. Browse the photo / map tour to see how great the ride can be, and come see it for yourself on your next road trip.
10 Year Road Plan
The Public Works Department's 10 Year Road Maintenance Plan is depicted in this application for the maintained roads in the Township of North Frontenac. Using the time slider you can see the road segments by year with planned major road work.
2013 Roads Study
The results of a 2013 Road Study which include the condition and priority of road segments to be considered.
2014 Hydro One Line Clearing Work in North Frontenac
Hydro One will be performing important line clearing and brush removal work the B1S circuit from Barrett Chute to Ardoch. The work will consist of the removal of dead, leaning or dangerous trees as well as the trimming of trees which are encroaching upon the line. Read more and see the areas being cleared in this web map reference.
AFN Land Claims in North Frontenac
This map shows Proposed Settlement Lands in North Frontenac as part of the Draft Algonquin Land Claim Descriptive Plan. Click on a parcel to find more info including a link to a detailed report.
Eastern Ontario Population Statistics
Depicting total private dwellings, and the seasonality of residents, in North Frontenac and the surrounding areas.
Frontenac Watershed
This map shows Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary Watershed in Ontario, Eastern Ontario, and throughout the County of Frontenac.
Frontenac Wildlife Management Units (WMU)
This map shows WMUs in Ontario and throughout the County of Frontenac. The MNR provides rules and regulations based on these 95 regions and subregions in Ontario.
Local Amenities
This mobile friendly web mapping application displays accommodations, restaurants and convenience stores in the area of North Frontenac.
Maintained Roads (Summer/Winter)
Roads that are maintained by the Township of North Frontenac Public Works Department. Both regular maintenance and winter maintenance layers can be toggled.
NF Cemetery Plot Locator
Search through all cemetery plot records by name. This application is also mobile ready, and will make use of your built-in GPS to locate a plot at your location.
NF Park Lands Campsite Viewer
The NF Park Lands has many great campsites for your outdoor adventures. This map displays the campsites, launches, and permit roads in the program. You can also using this map on your mobile device or print a copy for your travels.
NF Park Lands Schooner Trail Viewer
NF Park Lands's first official trail. This map provides an elevation and photo tour of the trail.
Spectrum Licences Providing Wireless Services
A swipe application showing all towers / antennas in the region on the left side, and all towers / antennas which provide cellular services on the right side. Drag the vertical bar to 'swipe' between the 2 maps.
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