
North Frontenac offers many options for finding your way around with map based information.

Frontenac Maps

frontenac county interactive mapping

Custom mapping requests are available through the County of Frontenac's Geographic Information System. 

(613) 548-9400 ext 360

Frontenac GIS

Fee: varies based on map

Maps For Sale
North Frontenac Maps
36” by 44” wall maps are available for sale at the Township Office located at 6648 Road 506, Plevna, Ontario.

Types of Maps

  1. Lots and Concessions Base provides a lot and concession information for the region.
  2. Topographic Base provides elevation information for the region.

View our Fees and Charges By-law for more information on the Township's Civic Web Portal where all Township By-laws are e-published.

Custom Mapping
Custom mapping requests are available through the County of Frontenac's Geographic Information System. 

(613) 548-9400 ext 360

Frontenac GIS

Fee: varies based on map

Map Resources
OFSC Interactive Trail Guide

Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs



The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs provides this interactive trail map which outlines the trail network and conditions throughout Ontario. Visit the OFSC for more information.

Fish ON-Line
Fish ON-Line



From the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, this tool has robust information about the fish types in over 13,000 lakes throughout Ontario. Visit Fish ON-Line for more information.

MTO Road Maps
Ministry of Transportation Road Maps



The Ontario Ministry of Transportation has several road maps available that show major roads throughout On

Hydro One Outages Map
Hydro One Outage Map



Hydro One provides this online map to show outages throughout Ontario. This also comes in the form of 

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