Notice – Winter Control Operations

Posted On Wednesday December 04, 2024

6648 Road 506, Plevna, Ontario K0H 2M0

Tel: (613) 479-2231 or 1-800-234-3953, Fax: (613) 479-2352



Notice – Winter Control Operations


Winter Parking Restrictions

In the interest of public safety and in accordance with By-Law #51-23: No person shall Park, or cause to be Parked, any Vehicle, Trailer or Object or permit a Vehicle, Trailer or Object to remain Parked on any Highway anytime between November 15 in any year to April 15 of the following year, or to remain Parked in a Turning Basin used for the clearing and/or removal of snow and ice.


Where a Vehicle or Trailer is found to be in contravention of the Parking provisions: A Parking Infraction Notice and a set fine may be issued, or it may be moved or towed at the owner’s risk, expense and cost.


The Township of North Frontenac will not be liable for damages that may occur to the Vehicle or Trailer being moved or towed.



The Township will not be held responsible for damage to mailboxes, newspaper boxes, other objects or fixtures located within the Township Road Allowances when these items interfere with the snow plowing of Township roads.


Deposit of Snow onto Public Roads

Under Section 181, Chapter H. 8 of the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O 1990, no person shall deposit snow or ice on a roadway without permission in writing from the Township.


For any questions, please contact:


Darwyn Sproule, P.Eng.

Public Works Manager

Ext. 230